Thursday, June 21, 2007

Dum-dee-dum dum

"When life feels pretty satisfying, there seems no reason to update blogs" - Blogging 101

The quote above says pretty much about everything related to blogs...hehe.
Won't be updating on Redang since there's been alot of pictures of people's "bottom" running around websites.

My Ma used to say that you're suppose to keep in touch with old school mates. Especially secondary school ones, since they will be your closest friends in the later part of your life and you might need to depend on them. Thats why i guess i have an obligation to attend gatherings of old school mates or even organize them. Its just that things tend to get awkward when a bunch of da's and dee's get together not knowing what to talk about because they've been too busy going on with their current paths in life..making new friends and so so....

Nothing new there :) Humans are suppose to be like books to each other. There's a cover page with all those fancy decorations and there's the "inner sanctum" from the index (Ye'r character, hobbies, job, class, race, secrets and all kinds of hum-dums) And to say that we read each other is not too far from da mark. Just that some people are good at reading, and some are not. I dare say i got a lit'ta knack for da reading meeself. (sorry fer the slur- getting drunk)

These two friends i have..totaally opposite types of character...a da and a dee....they sort of seem to be searching for what they need outside of themselves. And i'll reckon they ain't finding what they're suppose to find. Its not that they haven't found something. Just that the thing they're finding isn't just belonging(hope they ain't joined the wrong bunch of travellers and end up inside a baatezu). Its something spiritual...some faith maybe? Not too sure meeself, but i bet-on-cha....that its something they've gotta look within!

A keg of fireseed wine, bartender!
posted by Clumsy at 8:10 AM, |


  At November 28, 2007 at 5:39 AM Anonymous Anonymous said:
this place seems familiar at the same place, angle, and situation. . .