Friday, December 26, 2008

Precendo Chicken k'a Egg.

Why we mammals? The need to pass through so many psychological stages in the process of growing that surpasses even those physical changes of insects. Such complexity, and yet so little study about it. Why bother to create things, to mold our environment, to make a difference in the world when we can't even understand ourselves? Or is that rather the microscopic lenses that we place ourselves under. A process to study a process. What happens when the snake bites its tail. That perhaps there is no real beginning or ending. Life is as it is, merely a picture painted on the wall. Like a Mona Lisa's smile. A guess work of no definite answers. Valuable only after death for scrutiny. Without a divine purpose but with the mere objective to exist, to survive.....
posted by Clumsy at 7:10 PM, |