Thursday, July 2, 2009

Boredom Rambles

Perhaps Douglas Adams was exact on his argument that we may all know the answers to our questions. But the problem is that we do not know exactly to what questions those belong to.

Goals have been achieved, but the purpose of the goals have been forgotten.

Journeys have been walked, but the sense of satisfaction is absent.

Companies have been made and lost, but no parts of the puzzle have been solved.

Yet, time does not stop to ponder upon such luxury. It whips us up on a ride , one single ride of a lifetime with the eventual suspense of being pounded to pieces upon a cliff side.

Strap on...strap on. Fate may bring you upon this path. But bulldoze it into a highway, so that others may walk it easy.

Peace cannot mix with passion. Price for every prize.

God is the loneliest supreme being in existence because there is no Goddess since God is supreme?

No religion explains what is the purpose of Creation. Merely the process of Creation.

Waiting waiting for the bloody annoying thing to happen so that i can play....
posted by Clumsy at 6:43 PM, |